Research IT
provides research data and computing technologies, consulting, and community for the UC Berkeley campus. Our goal is to advance research through IT innovation.

Status and Service Updates
Savio HPC Cluster is Back to Service: Fri, 2/21
We have completed the scheduled DDN work, including replacing cables and updating firmware. Savio services have been returned, and your jobs have started running. Remember that Global Scratch is almost running at its maximum capacity. Please remove unnecessary files and directories to help us keep the file system running optimally so that you can conduct productive research.
Savio Downtime: Thurs, 2/20-Fri, 2/21, 2025
DDN engineers will visit the data center to perform cabling work on the Savio parallel file system, which is expected to resolve ongoing filesystem issues. We will shut down the file system at 8:00 AM on Thursday, February 20, and return the service by 5:00 PM on Friday, February 21. A Slurm reservation is in place to prevent jobs from running during the downtime. If you plan to submit jobs, please request proper walltime for them to be completed before 8 AM on February 20. Otherwise, your jobs will wait in the queue until the cluster is back online.
Globus Returned to Service: Wed, 1/15
Globus is back in production and available to users on Savio.
News Articles
IPython notebook available to ease data transfer between Savio and Box
For researchers running computation on the Savio high-performance compute cluster, data transfer can be a challenge. A new IPython notebook simplifies data transfer from the free Box collaboration platform to a Savio user’s scratch folder, and provides a template for users to develop their own...Read more about IPython notebook available to ease data transfer between Savio and Box
Systems Neuroscientists use BRC services to understand the neural basis of perception
A childhood filled with Lego blocks, nature documentaries, science fiction novels, and some amazing science teachers led Evan Lyall to know that he wanted to study Bioengineering in college, but left him unsure of the direction he should go with that training. As an undergraduate student at UC...Read more about Systems Neuroscientists use BRC services to understand the neural basis of perception
Third Semiannual Consulting Summit
October 20th marked the third semiannual Consulting Summit at BIDS, which brought together individuals from over twenty organizations that provide some variety of “consulting” around research and/or teaching. 40% of the participants indicated that it was their first Consulting Summit. Jointly...Read more about Third Semiannual Consulting Summit
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