Thank you, Jamie Wittenberg!

December 13, 2016

We are very happy to publicly thank Jamie Wittenberg, our Research Data Management Program Director, whose last day at UC Berkeley is December 16, 2016.

Jamie joined us in July 2015 at an incredibly important time for our young Research Data Management program. Because the program had such ambitious goals, we needed someone who could hit the ground running, build a website, develop content, and set up a consulting program. Just as challenging, we needed someone who could be the bridge between two organizations, the library and Research IT.

Jamie has been a tremendous colleague for the past year, working across the university to make the RDM program successful. Her professionalism and productivity have only been outmatched by her camaraderie, sense of humor, and her passion for helping advance the cause of research data services in higher education.

It is therefore not very surprising that Jamie has found a new and exciting frontier to conquer. Beginning in January, she will be working in the Indiana University Bloomington Libraries as their new Research Data Management Librarian and Head of their Scholarly Communication Department. This is a faculty librarian position in which Jamie will be able to have a bigger impact on research data management and scholarly communication.

We are very grateful for the work that Jamie has done to build and launch our UC Berkeley Research Data Management program. She led the creation of our RDM website and provided leadership alongside her colleagues to develop our consulting network and service portfolio. While we are sad to see her go, we look forward to staying in touch and collaborating with her in her new role at IU!

Note: this piece is co-authored by Chris Hoffman and Erik Mitchell.