Jason C. Christopher

I am a Research Computing Architect, Service Lead and Information Security Officer in Research IT at UC Berkeley. I currently manage the:

  • Secure Research Data and Computation (SRDC) Platform, providing secure, scalable, customized virtual machines, and high performance computing (HPC) for research with sensitive and protected data. The Platform serves schools and departments across campus, ranging in study from genomics and computational biology to law, business, public policy and beyond.
  • Analytics Environments on Demand (AEoD) Service, a production service providing virtualized research computing environments, in partnership with campus organizations.

In my role with Research IT, I also serve as a consultant for the Research IT Consulting Program, in support of Cloud ComputingHigh Performance Computing, and information security.

Prior to my current position, I was the IT Policy and Process Lead at SLAC, the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, leading efforts to improve cyber security through risk management practices, in accordance with the NIST framework. In a previous role, I was the IT Director and a Lecturer at UC Berkeley's Goldman School of Public Policy, where I taught IT and Public Policy, and served as the technical lead for the Synthetic Biology Security Program at the Goldman School, managing the development of software to support the definition of industry standards for conducting research in synthetic biology.

I studied ancient and mediaevel history and philosophy at Wake Forest University for a BA degeree, and have a Master's in Political and Legal Theory from University College London.

Recent Research IT Reading Group Talks