High Performance Computing

Luke Langford

Luke Langford is a Domain Consultant with Berkeley Research Computing and a PhD candidate in the Materials Science and Engineering department. His research focuses on computational modeling of soft materials and non-equilibrium thermodynamics. His experience is primarily in high performance computing.

Luis Rangel DaCosta

Luis Rangel DaCosta is a Ph.D. student in Materials Science and Engineering and a domain consultant with Research IT. He focuses on developing new techniques for characterizing (nano)materials with transmission electron microscopy, using machine learning and scientific computing

San Vu

San Vu is a Research Computing Intern and an undergraduate majoring in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. His interests include high performance computing, automation, and IC design.

Chris Paciorek

Chris Paciorek is a statistical computing consultant and adjunct professor in the Department of Statistics. He also serves part-time as a user consultant for Berkeley Research Computing.

Areas of expertise: high-performance computing, cloud computing, and programming for data analysis/data science/statistics.

In his research, Chris works on statistical methods, often Bayesian methods, applied to environmental and public health problems, including climate science, ecology, and global health. In recent years, he has taught graduate classes on statistical computing and

Rick McGeer

Rick is a Berkeley PhD from EECS who's done extensive work in industrial research and startups in Cloud Computing, Distributed Systems, Computer Networking, and Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits He's particularly interested in democratizing access to computing systems and data.

Joleen Locanas

Joleen helps on the Secure Research Data and Compute platform and brings deep expertise in service management and service design from her work in bIT.

Hamza Kundi

Hamza is a Research Computing Intern and an undergraduate majoring in Computer Science and Statistics. His professional interests include Data Science and System Administration/DevOps. His other interests include exploring random tunnels and hiking with friends at 4 AM.

Jason C. Christopher

I am a Research Computing Architect, Service Lead and Information Security Officer in Research IT at UC Berkeley. I currently manage the:

Secure Research Data and Computation (SRDC) Platform, providing secure, scalable, customized virtual machines, and high performance computing (HPC) for research with sensitive and protected data. The Platform serves schools and departments across campus, ranging in study from...

Gary Jung

Manager, High Performance Computing Services
Berkeley Research Computing University of California, Berkeley

Manager, High Performance Computing Services
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Jeff D'Ambrogia

Jeff is a Science IT consulting engineer who provides consulting support and services to science and technical programs at the Lab. Prior to joining the Lab, Jeff spent 5 years as the CTO for a national specialty pharmacy company, building the business from the initial founding to the sale of the company. Prior to that Jeff spent over 20 years as an IT consultant working for various startups and established companies in a...