Cybersecurity & Data Security

Gary Jung

Manager, High Performance Computing Services
Berkeley Research Computing University of California, Berkeley

Manager, High Performance Computing Services
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Jeff D'Ambrogia

Jeff is a Science IT consulting engineer who provides consulting support and services to science and technical programs at the Lab. Prior to joining the Lab, Jeff spent 5 years as the CTO for a national specialty pharmacy company, building the business from the initial founding to the sale of the company. Prior to that Jeff spent over 20 years as an IT consultant working for various startups and established companies in a...

John White

John White is an HPC Systems Engineer specializing in storage systems. He works with customers from day one of cluster design through implementation, maintenance, and eventual retirement. Most of his career has involved design and implementation of parallel file systems, but his work touches almost every aspect of HPC work within the SCG.

Karen Fernsler

Karen Fernsler is a HPC Systems Engineer who builds and maintains HPC LInux clusters at the Lab and on the UC Berkeley campus for the Berkeley Research Computing program. In addition to being the group’s Globus expert, she also supports Linux in various flavors for servers and workstations for the ALS and Molecular Foundry national user facilities.

Ken Lutz

Director of Research IT

Ronald Sprouse

Ronald Sprouse holds a part-time appointment with Research IT as a member of the Secure Research Data and Compute (SRDC) service team. He is also an Information Systems Analyst in the Linguistics Department.

Within SRDC he supports the provisioning and setup of virtual machine research environments for the analysis of sensitive data.

His areas of expertise include data management and analysis of language documentation and research, including signal and image processing for phonetics and the long-term preservation of and access to field...

Mark Yashar

Research IT / BRC Domain Consultant and HPC User Support; Research Specialist at UCB CITRIS

Clint Hamilton

Clint Hamilton is a Domain Consultant with Berkeley Research Computing and a PhD student in Finance at the Haas School of Business. His research focuses on behavioral finance. Additionally, he is interested in big data and high performance computing.

Anna Sackmann

Anna is the Data Services Librarian at the UC Berkeley Library. In this role, Anna oversees the Library Data Services Program, which guides scholars to discover, access, share, and preserve data through dataset acquisition, discovery and librarian-led instruction and consultations. She collaborates closely with librarians and other data focused campus organizations in order to provide holistic data support for researchers, faculty, and students.