Berkeley Research Computing (BRC) is pleased to announce the addition of PhD student Oliver Muellerklein to the BRC consulting team.
Oliver will serve as a domain consultant for BRC, helping researchers on campus to take advantage of BRC’s research computing services. Oliver is currently studying ecoinformatics, including evolutionary algorithms and deep learning, to analyze ecological behaviors and patterns. His academic home is the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management(link is external) (ESPM).
Together with fellow domain consultants Chris Paciorek (Statistics), Kelly Rowland (Nuclear Engineering), and Deb McCaffrey (Physical Chemistry), Oliver will help UC Berkeley researchers connect their research projects to appropriate BRC-provided computing resources -- including High Performance Computing and Analytics Environments on Demand -- as well to additional resources offered at national computational facilities, in the commercial cloud, and elsewhere. BRC consultants offer ongoing assistance and referrals in using any of these resources.
To talk with Oliver, Chris, Kelly, Deb or any of BRC’s other consultants about the computational needs of your research project, please write us at sends e-mail).