Thursday, 2/23
1-2pm PST via Zoom
Description: This month features augmented reality and podcasting in the cloud, with the Ethnic Studies Changemaker project, presented by Dr. Pablo Gonzalez, a lecturer in the Ethnic Studies department at Berkeley along with four students, Sarai Montes, Liz Toledo, and Nigel Hawkins. They will be presenting some of their work and also seeking feedback from Meetup attendees on a new project.
The Ethnic Studies Changemaker project is currently working on a series of initiatives that incorporate augmented reality and podcasting.
1. Digital Chicanx
The first project is the completion of the third volume of a digital journal dedicated to Chicanx Studies and works produced by students in the courses. The Digna Rabia digital journal uses Adobe InDesign to produce a journal that showcases the podcasts and oral histories of students in the Mexican and Central American Migration Fall course. One unique aspect of this digital journal is the use of digitized images and photos that students incorporate in their oral histories. The images have an added element of including augmented reality using the artivive application. The AR images share audio and other images in AR format to extend the oral histories and written work. They are now working on the third installment.
2. UC Berkeley Campus History Augmented Reality
The next project is a public AR project, funded by the Berkeley Collegium Grant. It uses Adobe Aero to produce a campus augmented reality (AR) public history scene. The team will share a brief prototype of the various scenes we presented last Fall with Greg Neimeyer. We hope to have a map and QR code available by the end of the semester for communities to use with Adobe Aero.
3. Ethnic Studies Library Archives Augmented Reality
Finally, four dedicated students are working on creating a prototype AR application similar to Artivive for use with various archives at the Ethnic Studies Library on campus. The project will converse with the group at the meetup on what they have envisioned and what collective ideas they can take from the Meetup to incorporate in their action plan.
Everyone is welcome - this is a really inclusive group! Even when the talks seem very technical you don't have to be an expert, or already know about cloud technologies; we get together so people can learn from each other.
1:00PM Welcome / announcements / poll (10 min)
1:15pm - Ethnic Studies Changemaker Project (Dr. Pablo Gonzalez, Sarai Montes, Liz Toledo, Nigel Hawkins) - presentations and group discussion.
2:00PM "Doors" close