Grand Opening of the Academic Innovation Studio

September 30, 2016

The Academic Innovation Studio (AIS) celebrated its grand opening on September 21, 2016 by welcoming faculty and staff into the new space for food and festivities.

Jenn Stringer, the Associate CIO for Academic Engagement, remarked on how space scarcity on campus opened up an opportunity to develop a collaborative consultation area in Dwinelle in exchange for Educational Technology Services staff moving their offices to 2850 Telegraph Ave., several blocks south of the campus. Cathy Koshland, Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education, reflected on how evolving cultural norms in the academy have made it easier to ask for and receive pedagogical support as an instructor. Japanese Literature lecturer John Wallace noted the value of peer learning communities, and encouraged his colleagues to come a few minutes early to workshops and events held at the AIS, in order to benefit from the opportunity to informally exchange ideas.

Research IT, one of the partner organizations supporting AIS, regularly holds workshops in the AIS space. Research IT staff are also available for open “office hours” at AIS on Tuesdays from 10-12. Other partners hold office hours in the space throughout the week, including the Library from 9-11 on Mondays, and the Center for Teaching and Learning on Wednesdays from 10-12.

Photo of John Wallace courtesy of the Academic Innovation Studio.