Open Repositories, an annual international conference that brings together users, developers, and librarians to discuss open digital repository platforms for institutional data and scholarship, was held in Bozeman, Montana from June 4 - 8. Anna Sackmann, a librarian and RDM
Between both organizations, Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry have more than two decades of experience teaching foundational computing and data science skills to researchers through their volunteer-led workshops. In 2018, these organizations...Read more about Community and RDM at CarpentryCon 2018
Preserving and maintaining research software is a challenge to researchers and academic libraries. In my role as a CLIR postdoctoral fellow in software curation, I recently discussed the technical challenges of preserving and maintaining research software in a UC Berkeley
Berkeley Research Computing (BRC) is conducting its third annual survey of our users, to solicit feedback from our community, and to gather the data we need to make a
How computers see is the through-line running from Lazar Supic’s Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Belgrade, to his UC Berkeley PhD in Nuclear Engineering, to his current work as a Postdoc in
The inaugural 2018 University of California Digital Library Forum (UC DLFx), "Building the UC Digital Library: Theory and Practice," took place February 27th to March 1st at UC Riverside. The conference brought together librarians, digital technology experts, educators, policy-makers, and...Read more about UC DLFx conference tackles the new frontier of data management
Research IT staff members Amy Neeser, Rick Jaffe, and Patrick Schmitz participated in the second annual gathering of UC Research Engagement Facilitators, held at UC San Diego from April 18-20, 2018.
UC Berkeley has recently embraced immersive visualization in the classroom, in research, and for public engagement. While this extends across all campus disciplines and a number of technologies, a growing community is using photogrammetry to develop 3D visualizations of objects and places, both...Read more about Visualizing Digital Scholarship at UC Berkeley — Communities, Content, and Services